Free Online Planning Poker for Agile Teams - Scrumpy ... Scrumpy is a free online planning poker application for distributed agile teams with optional Jira/Confluence integration. It runs on mobile, tablet and desktop computers connecting multiple participants in a real-time story estimation session. Absolutely no installation and no registration is needed! Estimating with T-shirt sizes (or any other string... For JIRA Server one might try using Agile Poker Enterprise for JIRA add-on for doing interactive estimation session (using Planning Poker technique). It also allows to specify T-shirt sizes (S, M, L, etc) as estimation choices and map them to the numerical value (2, 3, 5, etc) while saving final estimate to the issue's story points. Ideas to optimize your planning poker sessions - Work Life ... This is a guest post by Vitalii Zurian, a software engineer and the creator of a series of agile add-ons for Jira Cloud, including the #1 paid add-on, Planning Poker.Vitalli blogs at As your team matures and becomes more experienced, you’d think your estimates and planning poker sessions would improve as well. Seems only natural, right?
Make sure you have been tagging any issues that were kicked out of the last sprint so you can easily find them next time with a JIRA search. Anything that absolutely should be in the sprint needs to be marked "Ready for Engineering" so that it'll show up in the Agile Poker tool.
JIRA Agile Essentials - pdf - Free IT eBooks Download JIRA Agile (formerly known as GreenHopper) is a plugin that adds agile project management to any JIRA project.Learn to install and run JIRA Agile, and set it up to run with Scrum and Kanban. Collaborate with your colleagues to define requirements, create user stories, and manage and plan... Jira: подробное руководство для новичков | блог bytex JIRA - приложение, разработанное австралийской компанией Atlassian. Его название произошло от японского слова "Gojira", что значит "Годзилла".JIRA позволяет отслеживать баги и задачи, лежащие в основе проекта. Как только вы импортируете проект в JIRA, вы можете создавать...
Online Planning Poker | Pokrex
Agile Poker Enterprise for JIRA | Atlassian MarketplaceEstimate Scrum and Kanban boards in interactive or asynchronous sessions. Inspired by Planning Poker® and ... Sponsor | Atlassian Botron Software is a leading provider of scalable enterprise solutions for Jira and top vendor for Atlassian application mergers and ... Agile Poker for Jira, ... Cprime, Inc. - YouTube
Scrumpy is a free online planning poker application for distributed agile teams with optional Jira/Confluence integration. It runs on mobile, tablet and desktop computers connecting multiple participants in a real-time story estimation session. Absolutely no installation and no registration is needed!
Locate Agile Poker - estimation tool for Jira via search. The appropriate app version appears in the search results. Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license for Agile Poker - estimation tool for Jira . Agile Poker for Jira - Spartez
Jira use case: Agile project management - //SEIBERT/MEDIA IT
The Agile Poker For JIRA - Apps on Google Play Free. Android. The Agile Poker plugin is a JIRA companion mobile application for seamlessly and interactive planning and estimation. - Fully integrated with JIRA Agile. - Real time voting and navigation controls. Agile poker enterprise for jira | TOP Games online
We're happy to release Agile Poker Enterprise with Jira Data Center support requested by multiple clients. See the full list of changes below. New Features . Data center compability. QR-code to simplify joining mobile sessions. Product tour to introduce newcomers into Agile Poker Enterprise. Estimating in Jira for better sprint management - Spartez After their successful transition to Jira, the incentive was too great for the team not to follow the built-in process — thus they started their new estimation journey using Story Points. After learning about the Planning Poker® methodology they decided to give our Agile Poker Enterprise for Jira app a trial run. Agile Poker breaks if Rank field is renamed - The Rank field is a Jira Software field that's locked by default. It is, however, possible to unlock this field. Check out this KB: Translating JIRA Agile Custom Fields. After unlocking the field we're able to do pretty much whatever we want. That means, we can rename the field. Not translate, but rename. Environment. Jira 7.4.3; Steps to Reproduce